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In order to make teaching effective the teacher should adopt the right method of teaching. Method is a particular way or means of doing something. Method of teaching means a way of communication between the teacher and students. Lecture method of teaching is comprehensively used within educational institutions at all levels. It is to be noted that effectiveness in learning lies not in reading and listening but in action, performance, and experience.

According to the Secondary Education Commission 1952-1953, “Even the best curriculum and perfect syllabus remains dead if a teacher fails to choose the right method of teaching.”

Characteristics of an Effective Method of Teaching

  1. It should increase the interest of the learners.
  2. It should encourage the students to participate.
  3. It should motivate the students to study and explore.
  4. It should develop the creativity of the students.
  5. The method should be according to the intelligence level of the students.
  6. The method should link bookish knowledge with real-life situations.

Factors that Determine the Selection of Teaching Methods:

  1. The ability of the teacher
  2. The syllabus and curriculum
  3. The size of the class
  4. The intelligence level of students
  5. Availability of teaching aids
  6. Age of the learners
  7. The time of the period

Different Methods of Teaching-

  1. Lecture Method
  2. Survey Method
  3. Project Method 
  4. Demonstration Method
  5. Activity based Method
Different Methods Of Teaching

Let us discuss Lecture Method in detail-

What is Lecture Method of Teaching?

The term Lecture is derived from the Latin word Lectura which means to read aloud. In this method, talking with the teacher is a predominant activity. Lecture method can be one way communication or two-way in which discussion took place between teacher and students.


Preparation of lessonPlan by the teacher
according to objectives.

Acquisitionof Knowledge By students through the Lecture

Evaluation of knowledge by the teacher
gained by the students is done by the teacher

Steps in Lecture Method-

1. Planning of lecture –

Teachers can boost their confidence through planning. In this step, the teacher decides what to teach and what not to teach. Planning includes the following steps-

  • Objectives which are to be achieved.
  • The kind of questions to be asked. 
  • Aids which are to be used. 
  • What kind of feedback mechanism is to be used?

2. Introduction of Lecture-

Teacher Should give an introduction of what she is going to teach. It will raise the interest of the students in the class. The Teacher tries to establish rapport with the students.

3. Development phase-

Here, transactions of ideas and opinions take place between teacher and students. The teacher explains the concepts and principles using various examples and audio-visual aids.

4. Evaluation Phase-

It is the concluding phase of the lecture method. Teachers summarize the lecture by writing main points on the blackboard. The teacher also evaluates the learning by asking questions from the students.

 Merits of lecture method- 

  1. Time Saving: Lecture Method covers syllabus Hindi limited time so this method is a time saver.
  1. Economical: This method is economical as it does not need laboratory or technical aids.
  1. Flexibility: The teacher can change the content according to the changing circumstances.
  1. Coverage: By using this method knowledge can be given to a large number of students at one place and at one time.
  1. Development of skills: It develops the note making and writing skills of the students.
  1. Linkage: Using this method new knowledge can be easily linked with previous knowledge.
  1. Large amount of information can be presented: Generally one lecture is of 35 to 40 minutes. Within this time the teacher can present and explain a large amount of information to the students.
  2. Useful for higher classes: This method of teaching is useful only for the higher classes, as they have developed the senses and abilities to understand.
  3. Good for explanation: It is better for topics that need proper explanation and clarification.

 Demerits of lecture method-

  1. Dull and boring: After 15 to 20 minutes students lost their attention and interest in the classroom.
  1. Temporary learning: Information and knowledge acquired in this method are quickly forgotten.
  1. Encourage spoon feeding: This method encourages spoon feeding as it does not provide any room for self-study.
  1. Beneficial for good listeners: It is beneficial for the students who are good listeners.
  1. Unpsychological: Students in this method become passive listeners and not participate in the learning activities.
  2. Limited senses: In this method, only the sense of hearing and the sense of listening are used. The students listen and see content written on the blackboard and charts.
  3. Not suitable for complex topics: The lecture method is not good for complex subjects such as Mathematics and science.
  4. Ignore individual differences: In this method, the teacher teaches all the students in the same way, whether they are average, below average, or above average.
  5. Not suitable for all teachers: The lecture method is not a cup of tea for all teachers as it requires good communication skills, vocabulary, patience, pronunciation, etc.
  1. Not suitable for junior classes: It provides factual Information which may not be suitable for the junior classes.


  1. Use of aids: Aids such as pictures, audio and video etc. should be used by the teacher to make lectures more interesting.

  1. Timely humor: Lecture should be accompanied with timely humor in order to attract the students.

  1. Followed by test: Lecture should be followed by a written or oral test to measure the achievements of the students.

  1. Appropriate delivery of Lecture:
  • Teachers should speak clearly and slowly.
  • Teachers should speak lucid language.
  • Frequency of voice should be changed by the teacher so that students pay more attention.

5. Proper planning: Teachers should prepare proper lesson plans in advance. The teacher must know the objective of teaching. Also, the planning of lessons boosts the confidence of the teacher in the classroom.

6. Encouragement: The teacher should encourage the students to clarify their doubts by asking questions.

In Short, the selection of methods of teaching depends upon various factors such as nature of the content, size of the class, age of the learners, Availability of learning aids and objectives of teaching etc. 

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