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Discussion Method of Teaching

The word ‘method’ is derived from the Latin word, which means a way or mode. So, a method is a particular or systematic way of doing something. The teacher should adopt the right methods of teaching to make the teaching-learning process more effective. Discussion method of teaching is one of them. It is rightly said that effectiveness in learning lies not only in reading and listening but in action, performance, and experience.

According to the Dictionary of Education, ” Discussion is an activity in which people talk together in order to share information about a topic or problem to seek a solution”. 

Different Methods of teaching 

1. Lecture Method 

2. Discussion Method 

3. Survey Method 

4. Project Method 

5. Demonstration Method 

6. Activity based Method 

Let us discuss Discussion Method in detail –

Meaning of Discussion Method:

The term discussion is derived from the Latin word ‘discutere’ which means to shake or strike. Discussion means an exchange of ideas between different people or groups of people. In this method of teaching, two-way communication takes place, i.e., both teacher and students share their views on a particular concept.

Characteristics of Discussion Method:

  • The Discussion method is based on the exchange of ideas and thoughts.
  • It stimulated group thinking.
  • The Discussion method helps the students engage in reflective learning.
  • This method gives the students the freedom to express their thoughts without hesitation.
  • Discussion method of teaching develops the skill of public speaking in the students.
  • It develops cooperative thinking among the students.
  • This method develops the habit of group work.

Types of Discussion 

a) Formal Discussion-

➔ It is also known as planned discussion

➔ The objectives are pre-planned.

➔ It includes panel discussion, and debate etc.

➔ The teacher helps the students in drawing the conclusion.  

b) Informal Discussion-

➔ It is also known as unplanned discussion.

➔ The objectives are not pre-planned.

➔ It includes classroom discussion.

➔ It took place when students asked the teacher a question about the ongoing topic in the class.

The Components of Discussion Method:

1. The Leader:

The leader frames the rules and regulations for the conduct of the discussion. It is the duty of the leader to give equal opportunities to the students to participate in the discussion. In a classroom, the leader is usually the teacher. The teacher should not dominate the discussion.

2. The group of students:

Another important component of the Discussion method is the group of students. All the students in a classroom should participate in the discussion, as it will boost their confidence. 

3. The topic to be discussed:

The leader should select a topic with the cooperation of students that is to be discussed in the class. It should not be forced on the students. The content should include pictures, charts, tables, maps, and other audio-visual aids.

4. Evaluation:

At the end of the discussion, the teacher should evaluate every participant to assess if there is a change in the behavior of the students or not. A good discussion must bring about a change in the attitude of the students.

Principles of Discussion method 

1. Principle of interest 

2. Principle of Information 

3. Principle of Responsibilities 

4. Principle of Fixed time 

5. Principle of Active participation 

6. Principle of objectiveness 

Merits of Discussion method

1. Democratic Method:

It is based on the democratic principles of freedom, equality of expression, and unbiasedness, where all the participants have been given the opportunity and every participant’s ideas are respected.

2. Two way communication:

It is not based on a one-way communication system like the lecture method, in which the teacher dominates the discussion.

3. Identification of potentials:

The teacher can observe and collect information regarding the skills and potentials of the students, such as speaking, listening, and communication skills.

4. Psychological Method:

This method is psychological in nature as it is tailored to the interests, needs, and abilities of the students spirit of tolerance.

5. Spirit of tolerance:

In this method, students learn to accept and tolerate the ideas and views of other students, even if they have contradictory views.

6. Interesting method:

Like the lecture method, the discussion method is not dull and boring as students share their views.

7. Reflective learning:

By listening to the views of other students, the students themselves develop their own thought processes.

Demerits of Discussion method 

1. Time-consuming:

It is a time-consuming method as all the students took part in the discussion.

2. Monopolization:

There is a possibility that some students dominate the discussion and other students fail to take part in it.

3. Off-track discussion:

If the discussion is not conducted according to the rules, it may lead to aimless talking, and there are chances that the discussion goes off track.

4. Lesser scope:

This method is not useful for all subjects like mathematics, etc.

5. Beneficial for good listeners:

It is beneficial for students who are good listeners.

6. Not suitable for junior classes:

This method is not suitable for secondary classes but is suitable for higher classes.


1.On time:

The discussion should be started by the teacher on time.

2. Use of aids:

Aids such as pictures, audio, video, etc. should be used by the teacher to make discussion more interesting.

3. Encouragement:

The teacher should encourage the students to take part in the discussion in order to clarify the concepts in detail.

4. Ask Questions:

The teacher should ask the question from the students during the discussion.

5. Summarization:

At the end of the discussion, the teacher should summarize the discussion in his or her own words.

6. Clear misunderstanding:

The teacher must clear the doubts of the students that arise during the discussion.

In Short, the selection of methods of teaching depends upon various factors such as the nature of the content, size of the class, age of the learners, availability of learning aids, objectives of teaching, etc.

Question: What is the Discussion Method of teaching?

Answer: In Discussion method two-way communication takes place, i.e., both teacher and students share their views on a particular concept.

Question: What are the different types of discussion method of teaching?

Answer: Types of Discussion methods of teaching-
1. Formal Discussion ( Planned Discussion)
2. Informal Discussion (Spontaneous Discussion)

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